Employee Engagement Software

5 min readMay 21, 2019

Employee Engagement — Today’s Game Changer

Employee Engagement is one of the key parameters that illustrates the enthusiasm and loyalty, your workforce has towards your organization. While an industry-standard salary and some handsome perquisites can keep your employees satisfied, it is the little-big things that Human Resources team does every now and then, in the name of Employee Engagement that brings the passion out of them.

Employee Engagement is in itself a project and is a lot of work. It involves activities that are meticulously designed to connect better with employees. It takes a lot of time and effort from the Human Resources team to formulate an employee engagement program that can actually make a difference in the lives of their employees. Afterall, better-engaged employees are happy employees. And happy employees bring in better productivity. Needless to say, better productivity automatically leads to better business growth which of course is the ultimate goal of any organization.

What Employee Engagement Means to Your Business

Studies have shown that organizations with highly engaged employees have garnered a handsome 2.5 times more revenue than their competitors with low employee engagement levels. Employee engagement is a workplace ideology where the work environment is ideal for having motivated, highly-driven employees who are dedicated and supremely passionate about their work and growth of the organization.

Isn’t that all the more reason to formulate the perfect employee engagement program for your organization, with the help of a top-notch employee engagement software!

How to Make Your Employee Engagement Program Stand Apart

Employee engagement is established when a mutual understanding and commitment between employee and employer is developed. But how can you keep up with the vibe of your employees? It’s simple — ask them. Employee engagement software that sends out employee surveys are the best way to do this. You can ask your employees how passionate and driven they are about their work and company!

Hence, stationing a periodic feedback collection system using an employee engagement software is quintessential. While conducting surveys manually could be easy in a small-sized team, there are specialized employee engagement software available in the market to simplify the job for you.

Here’s a quick reference to what you should look for from your Employee Engagement Software that can solve your employee engagement puzzle.

Build conversation, build trust: When you start conversing with your employees unreserved, trust is built. It is this trust which translates into honest confessions and feedback. When employees feel valued, they become more loyal to the company. But talking to a thousand employees one-to-one is impractical. So you can opt for an employee feedback software to simplify your task. Send out friendly, engaging surveys to your employees now. The honest answers would astound you.

Start today, continue tomorrow: Sending an employee survey once and stopping the process there wouldn’t be any more helpful than not sending it at all! Periodically keep a check on all your employees by sending employee pulse surveys. This would make your employees feel that they are taken care of. When you invest in them, they will invest more in your company.

Don’t miss out the travelers: When your employees are sealing deals abroad and away from their desk, you wouldn’t want to miss them. Especially if this crowd is large, then you would be missing out on a lot of employees. Mobile surveys can help solve this problem. The subway or elevator, before boarding a flight or while taking a cab, let your employees take your surveys anywhere, anytime!

Remind the forgetful people: People avert taking surveys, so it would come as no surprise that they would easily forget to answer the few questions. Sending out reminder emails to gently nudge them to take the survey would increase the survey completion rate.

Ace your Employee Engagement with SurveySparrow

Now you know how to build an excellent Employee engagement program. A great employee engagement software can help you achieve this easily. Thus, SurveySparrow can join hands with you to make this happen. How? Have a look:

SurveySparrow is built fundamentally on a conversational interface. As opposed to the formidable form-filling experience, surveys are infamous for, the chat-like interface is refreshing. You would be rewarded with more accurate and honest answers coupled with higher number of people completing it.

Merely creating a survey isn’t enough. What you ask and the way you ask makes all the difference. There are different types of questions which you can ask your audience. In the most basic sense, it’s closed-ended and open-ended. Open-ended types included rating scale, multiple-choice questions and so on which give the user a broader room to provide accurate answers. On the other hand, closed-ended questions are more restrictive by nature. You wouldn’t want a survey stuffed with this type. Give your employees space, and in return, you would have their perspective crystal clear.

If you wish to send out recurring feature enables you to do so. Configure your survey, and its settings initially, and the rest is fully automated. Rest assured.

If your employees forget to take the survey, reminder emails can be sent to both partial responders and non-responders. This would ensure that you get maximum completion rates for the survey. Just enable the option and we’ll take care of reminding your users.

In large organizations with thousands of employees, the HR department would need to devote significant hours for managing employee engagement activities. In such a case, segmenting your employees into Directors, Managers, Sales, and so on can be useful. Listing in this manner would give better visibility and it will also help you to send out different surveys to your managers or sales employees smoothly and efficiently.

What’s more?

You have just seen the array of features SurveySparrow is offering you. Couple this with the fact that it would cost you just one-third of other survey tools. Deal-maker isn’t it! So now you know why SurveySparrow makes an excellent employee engagement software! Also, we also have an Employee Engagement Survey Template to get you started!

Why wait? SignUp with SurveySparrow right away to build and execute a flawless employee engagement program.

Originally published at https://surveysparrow.com.




SurveySparrow lets you turn surveys into conversations.